Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Passed!

Here's my icon for passing the McMaster Web 2.0 course.

Great course and loads of library applications to work on now.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Firefox and Add ons...the end is nigh

My jury is still out on whether or not I prefer Firefox or IE. I'll give Firefox a week or so and then see what the real difference is.

I downloaded an Add On called "Clipmarks" which allows me to:

When you clip for yourself, you're creating your own searchable library of things you find on the web. With Clipmarks, you can clip the best parts of web pages. ClipSearch lets you search the full content of everything you clip. It's like having your own personal search engine.

You can clip right to your blog as well. As I use this tool more, I'll try to report on my successes.

Anyone else out there using this?? Like to hear about your experiences.

Cool Software: Basecamp

Well, if I had known something like this existed a couple of years ago, I think I'd be much more organized with my projects. I could have saved a few trees as well!

I love my to-do lists and having the Dashboard facility would be great to make sure my "scraps of paper" didn't go missing. Now if I could tie this into our corporate calendar product to have more of a one stop shopping place, that would even be better.

I took a closer look at "Project Overview" which covers most of the information needed to keep a project going and who's involved. I really liked the overdue stuff and who is responsible! Nothing like a verbal swift boot to get people going again.

Don't know what I'm talking about:

Check out the free demo and download at:


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Helping Chris with his Homework

Things that are important to my son.